Part 20: Update XIX - Star in the fog
Update XIX - Star in the fog
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor
For once, we have a new floor with no plot scenes to hit. The only thing on the docket today is clearing the place out.
Unlike the tutorial, which was an undersea graveyard, and last week, which was covered in shipwrecks, this week has a ruined castle as the theme. If it wasn't for the little data cubes that look like air bubbles here and there and the distortion of the water, you could easily forget that we're under the sea.
The layout is rather wide, eventually doubling back into the middle of the area.

Ah, no, I'm trying to insult you; I actually find it all endearing!
Wow, Caster, rude.
There's also some more fish floating around.
The non-hallway paths are these stone pillars.
A better look at the fish.
Just ahead is this neat little corridor that goes right through a toppled building.
To the side, there's an Item Folder and a fountain on a different path.
Just ahead is the last new enemy of the week.
For a certain definition of 'new', at least.
The reskinned Cluster Horn is known as an Exe Horn.
The far east edge of the level has a switch.
Flipping it zooms the camera over to this gate. I bet the Folder it guards holds the second Trigger, but it can be a bit hard to tell when the glow of the walls obscure the Folder's color.
Near the switch is this helpful Folder.
And, for the first time, an actual path to walk on, instead of ruined ships or pillars!
Even Caster is getting in on checking out the sights.
Nearby is the chest and fountain we saw before.
Looking closely, you can see some form of labyrinth underneath the Arena, which all these buildings and pillars have sprouted from.
The northern edge of the Arena holds the exit portal.
While just south of it is a ramp.
And west of the ramp is a red Folder.
That's Taiga dealt with for the week.
The Mystic Eye Killers are a nod to Tsukihime and Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, where they are used by Shiki Tohno and Rider to help live in normal society. Fittingly enough, both of theirs were made by Touko.
The western edge has this big area with three Fishbites patrolling.
But first, let's check out the ramp.
There's the gate we unlocked earlier.
And there's the Trigger!
Back to the west side, the Fishbites are guarding two Folders.
The first holds a basic item.
While the other holds a new Mystic Code.
The Fortune Key holds our first buff skill. The (32); set of buffs gives a small bonus, and lasts for three turns.
Shame the first one we get buffs the worst stat.
Right next to the Fortune Key is a hidden path back to the start of the area.
I get a level off that Exe Horn.
This central area is really just a quick way to get to the exit portal.
I make a quick trip back to where the Trigger was to get some shots of the area.
Annoying as it is to have the first floor always take place in the Orb Zone, the second floors are really well crafted.
And that's it for today.
Music: School III
All we need to finish out the week is one more bit of info and Rani's help.

Uuuhhmn... Uhm, uhm, I think helping others is good and all, buuut... Don't you think using a Command Seal is maybe going a bit too far...?

I've never seen Caster act so timid. I guess there are people in the world that'll cow even her.
Fun fact: the chapel has no ceiling here, so you can just see into the skybox.

To use one of the three Command Seals given to me to help my enemy, of all things...

Command Seals... Three irrefutable commands given to all the Masters in the Holy Grail War. If it's within the rules, they will guarantee that an action is performed, whatever the cost.

But it was the right thing to do. Also, I'm here on behalf of her Majesty, the Queen... It has been a long time since... No, this is the first time a fight has been for personal reasons. As a mere soldier, I'd have praised Archer's actions. As a knight, I must condemn them. And as I did, I could almost feel as if the spirit of my wife approved, and was proud of me.

It's the same story every old man has. It's been so long I've even forgotten the sound of her voice. ...It's an obvious truth. As a soldier, one is required to abide by military regulations. There are no allowances made for even one such as myself to go beyond what is permitted. You should take care, too. The ends don't always justify the means. Regret is an insidious thing. If you let it, it will blind you to the future and all it holds. So know this young lady: I will never condone any conduct that would stain my conscience.

...Nothing more came from what seemed to be an apology of sorts. And beyond the journey itself, the path to the Grail lies in dignity and self-respect.

It's odd that I'd speak like this to you. You'd do well to laugh at the musings of this old man.

With that said, the old man closes his eyes. It'd be the worst form of bad manners to disturb him while he's praying. It'd be better if I just leave.
Music: School IV

This is a great chance to get an added advantage and it'd be stupid to waste it. Lucky us!

I was so not expecting that! She's so scary, always mumbling about the stars and stuff...

I'm going to lose the whole
prep period if I keep freaking out. I need to get on top of things. I haven't retrieved my
Triggers. I better hurry.

Your opponent got farther with you than mine did with me, but that's a good thing for you.

He's got a hold on you, though. Well, none of my beeswax. He's not my opponent.

Never let your guard down.

I think the chivalry bug got him bad. He thinks he's a real knight.

True or false? A
Command Seal is branded on your left hand and it proves you're a Master... True! It's actually
three seals. Every time a Command Seal is used, one of them
disappears. When you use up the last one, your participation in the tournament is revoked. So, you can
only use two.

Adjusting the settings is key to your success, too.

While I'm envious that you gained the trust of such a woman, do not let lust cloud your judgment.
Music: Duel of Fate

I give you my thanks. You brought it at the right time as I can read Sir Blackmore's star today.

She said she wished to learn more about people and humanity in general. But still, I wonder if what I am doing now is really okay. As a Master, I feel uneasy having another Master help me, especially as we might have to fight one another...

My professor's words are my guide. They told me specifically to learn about humans. So please put your mind at ease. You have nothing to worry about from me. Learning more about Sir Blackmore will help your cause as well, correct?

With her mechanical reasoning, Rani examines what might be Archer's arrow. She mumbles and then nods in understanding.

With this...

Brushing the object softly with her fingers, Rani closes her eyes and turns her face to the sky.

The star which governs Sir Blackmore's Servant shines brightly in the heavens today.

To be honest, I have no clue as to what astrology is or what it's supposed to accomplish, but She claims that today certain portents can be read in the stars, and I believe that she can see things about his Servant.

But I really want to know more about this professor person. Maybe she'll tell us more about him... But maybe this isn't the time to indulge my curiosity. We need to focus on that Archer for now.

I find myself in a...
forest? It's deep, dark...

Running her hand along Archer's arrow, the now entranced Rani begins speaking in a quiet tone.

An incredibly...dark color. At times a harbinger of infamy... A life spent in darkness... Admiration mixed with trepidation, the color of the solitary path he walks. His green-clad form blends in with the forest. He snipes his enemies from the shadows...

It seems that the Servant's way of life created a Noble Phantasm that would conceal him. A life that consisted of cowering in the darkness, shooting his enemies from afar. It seems totally at odds with Dan, who would fight with dignity and honor.

...I agree. I think that there must be some sort of longing hidden deep within his soul. A desire to live an honest life, out in the full light and warmth of the sun.

I wrack my brain trying to think of a hero out of legend who'd fit such a description. I start with those who are heroes because they were named so. Although, that'll take a while...
Hakuno ain't the brightest.

Well, I'm definitely not a hero. Hatefully cute, awesome wife; definitely! I feel bad for him...

As I try to follow this line of thought, Rani begins to speak again in the same quiet tone.

Longing, is the reason for this fissure. This is something told by my professor, a part of humans that I understand. I can feel him deep within the
second floor of the Arena. Maybe you should talk to him directly.

After lowering her head in a bow and thanking me again, she once again turns her eyes to the sky. A mismatched cog. I wonder if I'll mesh with anything. With my Servant, with all that's happening around me.
Music: School IV

What's wrong with my assessment? I think it's totally fair.
One more level to get that Curse skill.

He's always in the chapel, but instead of doing Alterations of the Soul, he merely prays. I wonder: Is he's praying for the souls of those he's defeated, or for the absolution of his own?

If that's the case, even if you win, you lose. You'll get hit with a
penalty either way.
Again, we'll never get penalized.

Did you hear about the Master who doesn't have a
Servant yet? He goes to the chapel sometimes. Is he just slow or is it due to a
bug in the
Grail War system? Either way, he's a goner.
Hakuno didn't get her memories back, and now someone never got their Servant? I feel sorry for the kid, at least we can fight.

But she said, "Didn't I already give you medicine?" Maybe I need to break my leg or something...

I had no idea a
Noble Phantasm could be defensive. I wonder which Heroic Spirit it belongs to?

I take it you're more of a rice ball person? Let me see what I can do with the powers that be.

I wish he'd tell me what's wrong. I know I'd be able to cheer him least I think I could...

Coming to the chapel in remembrance of his wife? It's just so...tragic... *Sniff* He might be a good guy after all. I still have every intention of beating him to a pulp, though... Having to fight someone like him... It's so depressing. Let's go before I start crying...

While I share Caster's feelings about Dan, I'm glad that it hasn't affected her will to fight. Well, I suppose we should head to the Arena now.
You know what? Let's go on the offensive for once.
It'll be a nice change of pace.
Next time: Conflict, superior tactics, and near-death.